my librarian is a camel Crossword Puzzles
My Librarian is a Camel 2017-09-21
- a group of islands
- far away, not near
- an instrument for measuring temperature
- land with specified characteristics
- permission or ability to enter or use
- a vehicle equipped for living in
- very eager
- a resource available on the Internet or on software
- to keep apart from others
- to eat quickly
- a group of people living in the same place
- to the highest degree
- to protect from injury or destruction
- impossible to travel on or over
- to gain or get by planning or effort
15 Clues: very eager • to eat quickly • a group of islands • far away, not near • to the highest degree • to keep apart from others • impossible to travel on or over • a vehicle equipped for living in • land with specified characteristics • to gain or get by planning or effort • to protect from injury or destruction • permission or ability to enter or use • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2017-09-21
- an instrument for measuring temperature
- a group of islands
- a group of people living in the same place
- impossible to travel on or over
- to keep apart from others
- a resource available on the Internet or on software
- to gain or get by planning or effort
- permission or ability to enter or use
- to protect from injury or destruction
- land with specified characteristics
- to eat quickly
- far away, not near
- very eager
- a vehicle equipped for living in
- to the highest degree
15 Clues: very eager • to eat quickly • far away, not near • a group of islands • to the highest degree • to keep apart from others • impossible to travel on or over • a vehicle equipped for living in • land with specified characteristics • to gain or get by planning or effort • to protect from injury or destruction • permission or ability to enter or use • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2025-03-07
- to make useful again; renovate
- a large group of islands, or the body of water in which the islands are located
- a thing that is possible; able to be done
- apart from other people or communities
- a person who flees from a place in search of safety or protection
- characterized by moving from place to place
- requiring a relatively small amount of money; cheap; cost-effective
- to consume quickly
- a group of vehicles traveling together
- to be made up of
- to contribute to the growth of or endorse
- having to do with or coming from the sun
12 Clues: to be made up of • to consume quickly • to make useful again; renovate • a group of vehicles traveling together • apart from other people or communities • having to do with or coming from the sun • a thing that is possible; able to be done • to contribute to the growth of or endorse • characterized by moving from place to place • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2022-09-02
10 Clues: far away • eager; excited • very hot, cold, or wet • to maintain and keep safe • separate from other places • a way to acquire something • impossible to travel across • to thoroughly enjoy something • to get something using effort • occurring on a computer rather than in real life
My Librarian is a Camel 2023-01-10
10 Clues: far away • eager or excited • very hot, cold, or wet • to maintain and keep safe • to really enjoy something • a way to acquire something • impossible to travel across • separate from other places or people • to get something using effort or a plan • occurring on a computer rather than real life
My Librarian is A Camel 2023-10-01
- Your password gives you ___ to your email.
- the way people in Finland get their books
- Gulkrona means golden ___.
- eager; excited
- impossible to travel across
- very hot, cold, or wet
- the way people in Thailand get their books
- to get something using effort
- the way people in Canada get their books
- far away
10 Clues: far away • eager; excited • very hot, cold, or wet • Gulkrona means golden ___. • impossible to travel across • to get something using effort • the way people in Canada get their books • the way people in Finland get their books • the way people in Thailand get their books • Your password gives you ___ to your email.
My Librarian is a Camel 2023-11-07
10 Clues: far away • eager; excited • very hot, cold, or wet • to maintain and keep safe • a way to acquire something • impossible to travel across • to get something using effort • to thoroughly enjoy something • separate from other places or people • occurring on a computer rather than in real life
My Librarian is a Camel 2016-09-23
10 Clues: far away • eager; excited • very hot, cold, or wet • to maintain and keep safe • a way to acquire something • impossible to travel across • to thoroughly enjoy something • to get something using effort • separated from other places or people • occurring on a computer rather than in real life
My Librarian Is a Camel 2020-05-13
- Sophia is an ____ reader.
- People dress up to ___, or remember, their culture.
- The easiest way to get to a __ village is by boat.
- A _____ library is online, not in a physical location.
- A zebra’s colors show ____.
- Sand covered the road,making it ______, or blocked.
- Some people love to read so much that they ___ books.
- If you need to go online, go to a place with internet __.
- Hospitals ____, or get, blood from people who donate it
- an island that is ______ lies far from any other land.
10 Clues: Sophia is an ____ reader. • A zebra’s colors show ____. • The easiest way to get to a __ village is by boat. • Sand covered the road,making it ______, or blocked. • People dress up to ___, or remember, their culture. • Some people love to read so much that they ___ books. • A _____ library is online, not in a physical location. • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2020-05-12
- Nathan likes baseball but he is also an ____ reader. He loves books
- A zebra's color show _____. Its black and white stripes are opposites
- Hospitals _____, or get, blood from people who donate
- Sometimes, the easiest way to get to a ____ village is by boat
- if you need to go online, go to a place with internet _____
- Sand covered the road, making it _____ or blocked
- An island is _____ lies far from any other land
- Sometimes people dress up to _____, or remember, their culture's history
- A ____ library is online or on a computer, not in a physical location
- Some people love to read so much that they _____ books
10 Clues: An island is _____ lies far from any other land • Sand covered the road, making it _____ or blocked • Hospitals _____, or get, blood from people who donate • Some people love to read so much that they _____ books • if you need to go online, go to a place with internet _____ • Sometimes, the easiest way to get to a ____ village is by boat • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2024-10-16
- To gain or get by planning or effort.
- To protect, as from an injury or destruction.
- Far away, not near.
- Impossible to travel on or over.
- To eat up in a greedy way.
- To set or keep apart.
- Either of two ends of a scale or range.
- A resource available on the internet or on software.
- Permission or ability to enter or use.
- Very eager.
10 Clues: Very eager. • Far away, not near. • To set or keep apart. • To eat up in a greedy way. • Impossible to travel on or over. • To gain or get by planning or effort. • Permission or ability to enter or use. • Either of two ends of a scale or range. • To protect, as from an injury or destruction. • A resource available on the internet or on software.
My Librarian is a Camel 2022-09-12
- To be interested in or eager about something.
- To save something from the past
- A place that is far from other places.
- Can be created, used or read on a computer
- Two things that are very different from or opposite of each other
- Is impossible to get through or over because it is blocked.
- Cannot stop easily
- The ability or permission to use something
- To get as a result of work or planning
- A place is separated or far away from other places
10 Clues: Cannot stop easily • To save something from the past • A place that is far from other places. • To get as a result of work or planning • The ability or permission to use something • Can be created, used or read on a computer • To be interested in or eager about something. • A place is separated or far away from other places • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2023-09-06
- To eat quickly or greedily
- Far away from other people or things.
- A condition or quality that is far beyond what is normal or expected.
- Impossible to travel on or through.
- Distant or isolated.
- To take care of and save the future.
- A way of getting near to gain to or entering something or someplace.
- Created or experienced in a digital world ,rather than the real world.
- To gain control or ownership of something.
- showing a great interest in or desire for something; eager
10 Clues: Distant or isolated. • To eat quickly or greedily • Impossible to travel on or through. • To take care of and save the future. • Far away from other people or things. • To gain control or ownership of something. • showing a great interest in or desire for something; eager • A way of getting near to gain to or entering something or someplace. • ...
My Librarian is a Camel 2023-11-16
10 Clues: Far away • Very hot or cold • Eager or Excited • To enjoy thoroughly • Maintain and keep safe • Occurring on a computer • Impossible to travel across • To get something using effort • A way to acquire or get something • Separated from other people or places
My Librarian is a Camel 2023-01-04
9 Clues: a goal • exciting • help to grow • judges of art, movies • brought about, produced • sudden, strong movements • concentrate on one thing • give information to sell something • directions from which things are viewed
My Librarian Is a Camal 2024-04-08
- - to treat a person with a vaccine to protect them from disease
- - a medicine that helps the growth of or destroys microorganisms
- - people watching/spectators
- - displaying a frenetic ecitement or engery; having a fever
- - without interruption
- - coming between two things
- - to take away
- - same meaning
- - the action of interrupting or being interrupted
- - likely to attack
- - events in the order of their occurence
- - the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
- - polite and respectful
- - completing a specific program and moving on to the next step
- - a story of ones own life
- - the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
- - change in the form or appearance of
- - small unit of measurement in the metric system
- - good for your body
- - observe or direct
20 Clues: - to take away • - same meaning • - likely to attack • - observe or direct • - good for your body • - without interruption • - polite and respectful • - a story of ones own life • - coming between two things • - people watching/spectators • - change in the form or appearance of • - events in the order of their occurence • - small unit of measurement in the metric system • ...
My Librarian Is a Camal 2024-04-08
- to treat a person with a vaccine to protect them from disease
- a medicine that helps the growth of or destroys microorganisms
- people watching/spectators
- displaying a frenetic excitement or energy; having a fever
- without interruption
- coming between two things
- to take away
- same meaning
- the action of interrupting or being interrupted
- likely to attack
- events in the order of their occurrence
- the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
- polite and respectful
- completing a specific program and moving on to the next step
- a story of ones own life
- the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
- change in the form or appearance of
- small unit of measurement in the metric system
- good for your body
- observe or direct
20 Clues: to take away • same meaning • likely to attack • observe or direct • good for your body • without interruption • polite and respectful • a story of ones own life • coming between two things • people watching/spectators • change in the form or appearance of • events in the order of their occurrence • small unit of measurement in the metric system • ...
My Librarian Was a Camel 2025-02-04
12 Clues: alone • made of • fixed up • to eat quickly • what you can do • powered by the sun • collection of islands • a Chevy Chevette/cheap • moves from place to place • a group traveling together • person moving to a safer place • to move a head or be in favor of
My Librarian is a Camel Vocabulary 2020-10-29
10 Clues: far away • eager; excited • a way to get something • very hot, cold, or wet • to maintain and keep safe • impossible to travel across • to thoroughly enjoy something • to get something using effort • separate from other places or people • occurring on a computer rather than in real life
My Librarian is a Camel Vocabulary 2021-09-15
- to keep safe or maintain
- impossible to travel across
- to thoroughly enjoy something
- something that can be done through a computer
- very different or opposites of each other
- separated or far from other places
- very interested or eager
- to get something as a result of work
- far away
- permission to use something
10 Clues: far away • very interested or eager • to keep safe or maintain • impossible to travel across • permission to use something • to thoroughly enjoy something • separated or far from other places • to get something as a result of work • very different or opposites of each other • something that can be done through a computer
My Librarian is a Camel vocabulary 2020-05-09
- Hospitals get or_____blood from people who donate it
- An____island is far from other land
- Some people love to read, and ______books
- A zebra's colors show_____
- Nathan is an______reader
- Sand made the road_____or blocked
- You can get to a______village by boat
- To go online, go to a place with internet access
- You can ____a culture's history by dressing up
- Online or on a computer
10 Clues: Online or on a computer • Nathan is an______reader • A zebra's colors show_____ • Sand made the road_____or blocked • An____island is far from other land • You can get to a______village by boat • Some people love to read, and ______books • You can ____a culture's history by dressing up • To go online, go to a place with internet access • ...
"My Librarian is a Camel" Vocabulary 2024-09-24
10 Clues: far away • eager or excited • very hot, cold, or wet • a way to get something • to maintain and keep safe • to really enjoy something • separate from other places • impossible to travel across • to get something using effort • occurring on a computer rather than in real life
My Librarian is a Camel Vocabulary 2022-09-27
- to protect, as from injury or destruction
- very eager
- a resource available on the internet or on software
- either of two ends of a scale or range
- to gain or get by planning or effort
- to set o keep apart from others
- permission or ability to enter or use
- impossible to travel on or over
- far away, not near
9 Clues: very eager • far away, not near • to set o keep apart from others • impossible to travel on or over • to gain or get by planning or effort • permission or ability to enter or use • either of two ends of a scale or range • to protect, as from injury or destruction • a resource available on the internet or on software
My Librarian Is a Camal Crossword 2023-04-24
- a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
- polite, respectful.
- treat with a vaccine to produce immunity to a particular infectious disease.
- diligent and hard-working.
- without a break.
- method of measure.
- an account of a person's life written by that person.
- take away.
- nourishing
- the enormous variety of life on Earth.
- The game continued after a short ___________ because of rain.
- represent ideas or qualities.
- a historical account of events arranged in order of time usually without analysis or interpretation.
- the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting.
- hostile, violent, threatening
- receiving a diploma.
- over and over again.
- a medicine that helps the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
- to look over.
- not the same but close to it.
- the person above Mr. Moeder
- having or showing the symptoms of a fever.
- being in the middle place, stage, or between extremes.
23 Clues: take away. • nourishing • to look over. • without a break. • method of measure. • polite, respectful. • receiving a diploma. • over and over again. • diligent and hard-working. • the person above Mr. Moeder • represent ideas or qualities. • hostile, violent, threatening • not the same but close to it. • the enormous variety of life on Earth. • having or showing the symptoms of a fever. • ...
Pete the Cat 2020-01-06
- Likes to chase mice
- The books are kept on ___.
- Large marsupial
- Pete is a ____.
- At the library, you should not speak, but ____.
- Pete pretends to ward off a fire-breathing D _ _ _ _ _.
- Pet pretends to be a p _ _ _ _.
- Pete pretends to climb a ________.
- A ___ works at the library.
- Has a trunk
- At the library, you can ___ out a book.
- The library is a ___ and peaceful place.
- Pete pretends to go underwater in a _______.
- Pete pretends to ride a _____.
- Pete read about a i r _ _ _ _ _ _.
- The Librarian gives Pete and his mother a ___.
- ___ Pete pretends be a ____ and dances.
- Man's best friend
- Pete reads another book about spiders and I _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Flying mammal
20 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Pete is a ____. • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • The books are kept on ___. • A ___ works at the library. • Pete pretends to ride a _____. • Pet pretends to be a p _ _ _ _. • Pete read about a i r _ _ _ _ _ _. • Pete pretends to climb a ________. • At the library, you can ___ out a book. • ___ Pete pretends be a ____ and dances. • ...
Pete the Cat 2020-01-06
- Pete reads another book about spiders and I _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Pet pretends to be a p _ _ _ _.
- Pete read about a i r _ _ _ _ _ _.
- The Librarian gives Pete and his mother a ___.
- At the library, you should not speak, but ____.
- Pete pretends to go underwater in a _______.
- Pete pretends to ward off a fire-breathing D _ _ _ _ _.
- Pete is a ____.
- At the library, you can ___ out a book.
- The books are kept on ___.
- A ___ works at the library.
- Pete pretends to ride a _____.
- Pete pretends to climb a ________.
- The library is a ___ and peaceful place.
- ___ Pete pretends be a ____ and dances.
15 Clues: Pete is a ____. • The books are kept on ___. • A ___ works at the library. • Pete pretends to ride a _____. • Pet pretends to be a p _ _ _ _. • Pete read about a i r _ _ _ _ _ _. • Pete pretends to climb a ________. • At the library, you can ___ out a book. • ___ Pete pretends be a ____ and dances. • The library is a ___ and peaceful place. • ...
Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-26
- The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Location.
- JMRL's Library on Wheels
- This is the smartest card in your wallet
- The number of branches where you can use your library card
- This group's semiannual book sales fund all JMRL library programs!
- The number of books you can check out of the library at one time.
- The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
- The two presidents in the name of our library system
- Groups can use these to host free community events at the library.
- The first word on pg. 1266 of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (R 423 Concise)
- The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature
- JMRL circulates nature backpacks that contain a pass to what?
- Who you approach to ask a question or get a library card
- The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
- The length of time that you can have a book checked out
- The organizational system for nonfiction books at JMRL
- You can check out library eBooks for free through Freading, RBDigital, and this service.
- Each library hosts these events across multiple ages to discuss books
- A popular JMRL database where you can research your family tree
- The cost to get a library card and check out items
20 Clues: JMRL's Library on Wheels • This is the smartest card in your wallet • The cost to get a library card and check out items • The two presidents in the name of our library system • The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Location. • The organizational system for nonfiction books at JMRL • The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library • ...
Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-22
- The first word on pg. 1266 of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (R 423 Concise)
- This group's semiannual book sales fund all JMRL library programs!
- The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
- The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Look at the location.
- The cost to get a library card and check out items on it
- The number of books you can check out of the library at one time.
- The two presidents in the name of our library system.
- The length of time that you can have a book checked out
- The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
- A popular JMRL database where you can research your family tree
- Who you go to when you want to ask a question or get a library card
- The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature.
- JMRL's Library on Wheels
- What books are located on your right as soon as you walk through the front door of the library?
- Where to go on the library website to find out more about downloading eBooks
- The number of branches where you can use your library card
16 Clues: JMRL's Library on Wheels • The two presidents in the name of our library system. • The length of time that you can have a book checked out • The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library • The cost to get a library card and check out items on it • The number of branches where you can use your library card • ...
Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-22
- The number of branches where you can use your library card
- The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
- The number of books you can check out of the library at one time.
- What books are located on your right as soon as you walk through the front door of the library?
- The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Look at the location.
- The two presidents in the name of our library system.
- Who you go to when you want to ask a question or get a library card
- Where to go on the library website to find out more about downloading eBooks
- A popular JMRL database where you can research your family tree
- The title of the book with the call number 510.92 Lee Shetterly
- This group's semiannual book sales fund all JMRL library programs!
- The length of time that you can have a book checked out
- The cost to get a library card and check out items on it
- JMRL's Library on Wheels
- The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature.
- The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
- The first word on pg. 1266 of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (R 423 Concise)
17 Clues: JMRL's Library on Wheels • The two presidents in the name of our library system. • The length of time that you can have a book checked out • The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library • The cost to get a library card and check out items on it • The number of branches where you can use your library card • ...
Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-22
- The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
- The two presidents in the name of our library system.
- The title of the book with the call number 510.92 Lee Shetterly
- The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
- The section of the library where you can find the Walking Dead books. Hint: Location.
- A popular JMRL database where you can research your family tree
- The cost to get a library card and check out items on it
- Who you go to when you want to ask a question or get a library card
- This group's semiannual book sales fund all JMRL library programs!
- The length of time that you can have a book checked out
- The number of books you can check out of the library at one time.
- Where to go on the library website to find out more about downloading eBooks
- The number of branches where you can use your library card
- JMRL's Library on Wheels
- The first word on pg. 1266 of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (R 423 Concise)
- What books are located on your right as soon as you walk through the front door of the library?
- The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature.
17 Clues: JMRL's Library on Wheels • The two presidents in the name of our library system. • The length of time that you can have a book checked out • The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library • The cost to get a library card and check out items on it • The number of branches where you can use your library card • ...
Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-22
- The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature.
- The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
- The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
- Who you go to when you want to ask a question or get a library card
- The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Look at the location.
- What books are located on your right as soon as you walk through the front door of the library?
- The number of catalog-only computers at the Crozet Library
7 Clues: The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library • The number of catalog-only computers at the Crozet Library • The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Look at the location. • The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel" • Who you go to when you want to ask a question or get a library card • ...
Vocabulary -- My Librarian Is a Camal 2023-04-25
- a large group of islands, or the body of water in which the islands are located.
- to contribute to the growth or or endorse.
- to consume quickly.
- apart from other people or communities.
- a person who flees from a place in search of safety or protection.
- things that are possible, able to be done.
- having to do with or coming from the sun.
- a group of vehicles traveling together.
- characterized by moving from place to place.
- made useful again; renovated.
- requiring a relatively small amount of money; cheap; cost-effective.
- to be made up of
12 Clues: to be made up of • to consume quickly. • made useful again; renovated. • a group of vehicles traveling together. • apart from other people or communities. • having to do with or coming from the sun. • things that are possible, able to be done. • to contribute to the growth or or endorse. • characterized by moving from place to place. • ...
How well do you know....Grade 4A? 2015-11-30
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- I was born in England.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- My best friend is Lila.
- My surname can also be a first name and it starts with M.
- I was born in Israel.
- My first name is a word.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- I have brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- My best friend is Isla.
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- My middle name is Sebastian.
- My mum is a librarian.
- I am Ella's twin.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
23 Clues: I am Ella's twin. • I was born in Israel. • I was born in England. • My mum is a librarian. • My best friend is Isla. • My best friend is Lila. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • I have brother in grade 2 called Leo. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • ...
How well do you know....Grade 4A? 2015-11-18
- My mum is a librarian.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- My best friend is Isla.
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- My best friend is Lila.
- I have a brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
- I am Ella's twin.
- My first name is a word.
- I was born in England.
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
- My middle name is Sebastian.
- I was born in Israel.
22 Clues: I am Ella's twin. • I was born in Israel. • My mum is a librarian. • I was born in England. • My best friend is Lila. • My best friend is Isla. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • ...
Grade 4 A 2015-11-18
- My middle name is Sebastian.
- My first name is a word.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- My best friend is Lila.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- My surname is a colour.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- I was born in Israel.
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- I have a brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- I was born in England.
- I am Ella's twin.
- My best friend is Isla.
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- My mum is a librarian.
23 Clues: I am Ella's twin. • I was born in Israel. • I was born in England. • My mum is a librarian. • My best friend is Lila. • My best friend is Isla. • My surname is a colour. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • ...
Vocabulary Quiz 반:_______ 이름:________ 2022-09-15
25 Clues: 기회 • 외야 • 언어 • 과거 • 경쟁 • 순간 • 낙타 • 비행 • 투수 • 전체 • 포수 • 공항 • 양고기 • 회색의 • 국제적인 • 결정하다 • 경관, 전망 • 떠오르다, (해가) 뜨다 • May I take your ______? • I was _____ by his speech. • Thor is the God of ________. • Beijing is the _______ of China. • You look very ______ before exams. • My friend is studying _______ now. • My room is decorated in a ______ style.
Final Test of Second Grade 2023-07-27
- ini adalah sepeda-sepeda = ... are bikes
- bayam
- Sekolah Dasar = ... School
- my mother is ... she is in hospital now
- koran
- dokter hewan
- gosok gigi = ... my teeth
- aku suka mangga = I ... mango
- before Wednesday
- sepeda motor
- kepala
- my mother cooks in the ...
- ibu rumah tangga
- setelah kamu bangun = ... you wake up
- a monkey eats ...
- Maret
- diantara
- wajan = ... pan
- jamur
- ada seekor bebek = ... is a duck
- tepung
- lapar
- selamat tidur = good ...
- unta
- rok
- mencuci muka = ... my face
- dibawah
- mahal
- boneka
29 Clues: rok • unta • Maret • jamur • lapar • bayam • koran • mahal • tepung • kepala • boneka • dibawah • diantara • dokter hewan • sepeda motor • wajan = ... pan • before Wednesday • ibu rumah tangga • a monkey eats ... • selamat tidur = good ... • gosok gigi = ... my teeth • Sekolah Dasar = ... School • mencuci muka = ... my face • my mother cooks in the ... • aku suka mangga = I ... mango • ada seekor bebek = ... is a duck • ...
Vocabulary Quiz 반:_______ 이름:________ 2022-09-15
25 Clues: 비행 • 경쟁 • 낙타 • 외야 • 공항 • 투수 • 포수 • 순간 • 과거 • 언어 • 기회 • 전체 • 양고기 • 회색의 • 결정하다 • 국제적인 • 경관, 전망 • 떠오르다, (해가) 뜨다 • May I take your ______? • I was _____ by his speech. • Thor is the God of ________. • Beijing is the _______ of China. • You look very ______ before exams. • My friend is studying _______ now. • My room is decorated in a ______ style.
Crossword puzzle 2019-05-29
- My least favorite sport.
- What was my dogs name.
- Jaba the hut is in this movie.
- My second favorite author.
- The main villain in infinity war
- My favorite author.
- This superhero in red armor dies in Avengers Endgame.
- A new book company.
- Glugrjuruink's wife.
- It's HUMPDAY said this _________
- My favorite soda.
- My favorite sport.
- How many pet crabs do I have.
- Travis's favorite soccer team (also Graydons).
- My favorite football team.
- My best friend.
- The snack that smiles back.
- The__________ club house.
- A popular shooting game.
- You cant see me.
- This can save you 20% or more on car inshurence.
- What is the best animal.
22 Clues: My best friend. • You cant see me. • My favorite soda. • My favorite sport. • My favorite author. • A new book company. • Glugrjuruink's wife. • What was my dogs name. • My least favorite sport. • A popular shooting game. • What is the best animal. • The__________ club house. • My favorite football team. • My second favorite author. • The snack that smiles back. • ...
Grade 4 A 2015-11-18
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- People ask me if I'm related to Mark Murphy.
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- My mum is a librarian.
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- My first name is a word.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- I am Ella's twin.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- My best friend is Lila.
- My surname is a colour.
- I was born in England.
- I was born in Israel.
- I have a brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- My best friend is Isla.
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- My middle name is Sebastian.
24 Clues: I am Ella's twin. • I was born in Israel. • I was born in England. • My mum is a librarian. • My best friend is Isla. • My best friend is Lila. • My surname is a colour. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • ...
Grade 4 A 2015-11-18
- My best friend is Lila.
- People ask me if I'm related to Mark Murphy.
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- My mum is a librarian.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- I am Ella's twin.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- My surname is a colour.
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- My middle name is Sebastian.
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- My best friend is Isla.
- I was born in England.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
- I have a brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- I was born in Israel.
- My first name is a word.
24 Clues: I am Ella's twin. • I was born in Israel. • I was born in England. • My mum is a librarian. • My best friend is Isla. • My best friend is Lila. • My surname is a colour. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • ...
How well do you know...4A? 2015-11-24
- I was born in England.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- My middle name is Sebastian.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- My best friend is Isla.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
- My surname can also be a first name and it starts with M.
- I have a brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- I was born in Israel.
- My mum is a librarian.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- My best friend is Lila.
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- My first name is a word.
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- I am Ella's twin.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
23 Clues: I am Ella's twin. • I was born in Israel. • I was born in England. • My mum is a librarian. • My best friend is Lila. • My best friend is Isla. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • ...
How well do you know....Grade 4A? 2015-11-30
- There are three of us with this name in 4A.
- I have brown curly hair and I just got glasses.
- I have read hair, play pranks and say 'My name is Jeff'.
- I was born in Rome and I am 10.
- I have really dark brown hair and my family is from Mauritius.
- My last name is McLeod and I am a girl.
- My best friend is Lila.
- My mum is a librarian.
- I was born in England.
- I had a plate from Grade 2 to Grade 4.
- My cousin Archie left the school in grade 2.
- I was born in Israel.
- I have a sister in Grade 2 called Abbey.
- My sister is one of the Arts Captains
- My sister is an Environment Captain.
- My surname can also be a first name and it starts with M.
- I am Mitchell's step brother.
- My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- I have brother in grade 2 called Leo.
- I have been with Mr Aarons for 3 years.
- My best friend is Isla.
- My middle name is Sebastian.
- My first name is a word.
23 Clues: I was born in Israel. • My mum is a librarian. • I was born in England. • My best friend is Lila. • My best friend is Isla. • My first name is a word. • My middle name is Sebastian. • I am Mitchell's step brother. • I was born in Rome and I am 10. • My sister is an Environment Captain. • My sister is one of the Arts Captains • I have brother in grade 2 called Leo. • ...
National Librarian Day - April 16th 2022-04-10
- The current Librarian of Congress
- This librarian is best-known for writing the Ramona Quimby series
- As of 2020, there were approximately 163,_10 librarians working in the US.
- The first Latina librarian of the NYPL (hint: check CMCLreads info)
- One of the most popular genres in prison libraries is __ romance
- The current director of the Cape May County Library system
- This Brat Pack hit from 1985 takes place in a high-school library: The __
- The Library of Congress was created during this US President’s term
- The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world with more than 170 _ items
- The previous director of the Cape May County Library system
- As of 2020, there were approximately 69,6_0 library assistants working in the US
- This librarian was the First Lady of the US from 1995-2000
- This country has the most public libraries
- Andrew Carnegie funded how many libraries in the United States: 1,67_
- One of the lions outside of the NYPL
- This infamous Italian womanizer once worked as a personal librarian
- Before becoming the first director of the FBI, he worked in the Library of Congress
- A library in this US State lends out taxidermied animals
- This librarian is best known for writing A Wrinkle in Time
- This fictional librarian uses the alias Batgirl
- This French artist and librarian is known for his work Nude Descending a Staircase
- Buffy Summers’ high school librarian
- The Tikkurila Library in this country has a karaoke room
- This founding father started his own lending library in Philadelphia
- This US state has the most librarians
- The other lion outside of the NYPL
26 Clues: The current Librarian of Congress • The other lion outside of the NYPL • One of the lions outside of the NYPL • Buffy Summers’ high school librarian • This US state has the most librarians • This country has the most public libraries • This fictional librarian uses the alias Batgirl • A library in this US State lends out taxidermied animals • ...
Work 2024-06-06
- I work well in a group of people
- I work behind a reception desk
- I make computer games
- I work too much
- I work in a library
- I write novels
- I have a lot of job possibilities
- with numbers I’m an accountant so I can count quickly
- I decided to stop working in this company
- My job is taking care of children
- I didn’t finish school
- I have to stay at work after my typical work hours
- I work in a military
- My salary is high = I … a good salary
- I got a higher position in my company
- I earn little salary
- I feel like I failed at my career
- I own my own company
18 Clues: I write novels • I work too much • I work in a library • I work in a military • I earn little salary • I own my own company • I make computer games • I didn’t finish school • I work behind a reception desk • I work well in a group of people • I feel like I failed at my career • I have a lot of job possibilities • My job is taking care of children • My salary is high = I … a good salary • ...
Spelling Words - Compound Words - 12.6 2023-04-18
- I had a really good dream _____.
- The ______ on the farm looks like a barn.
- The ______ on the hills is so beautiful.
- The Science experiment is ______.
- A ______ flew into my car while driving.
- A librarian is an example of a ______.
- My pool goggles are ______.
- My ______ made a goal in the soccer game.
- The janitor will disinfect the ______.
- I am going to help you with your ______.
- Did your ______ break when you were playing?
- My baby brother has to stand on the ______ at the sink.
- My package from China will come by ______.
- The red ______ is on the beach.
- Addie will ______ her clothes this year.
- We turned the ______ wipers on.
- Joey will make a ______ with a rock and rubber band.
- What ______ do you want for the picture?
- The ______ in Florida is so sandy.
- My favorite fruit is the ______.
- Did the ______ see you come into the pool?
- We walked along the beach ______.
- The creek flowed ______ into the lake.
- Our family ______ is so creative.
24 Clues: My pool goggles are ______. • The red ______ is on the beach. • We turned the ______ wipers on. • I had a really good dream _____. • My favorite fruit is the ______. • The Science experiment is ______. • We walked along the beach ______. • Our family ______ is so creative. • The ______ in Florida is so sandy. • A librarian is an example of a ______. • ...
Joel's Crossword 2022-12-12
- What's my dogs name?
- Where do I play cricket
- Where was I born?
- What's my favorite sport?
- Did I win a basketball grand final with max
- What is my favorite color
- What is the color of my hair?
- Favorite car?
- What's my favorite animal
- whos my favorite AFL player?
- What's my cricket high score?
- What's the furthest I have made it in school sport
- What is my haircut?
- Who do I barrack for in the AFL?
- What is my middle name
15 Clues: Favorite car? • Where was I born? • What is my haircut? • What's my dogs name? • What is my middle name • Where do I play cricket • What's my favorite sport? • What is my favorite color • What's my favorite animal • whos my favorite AFL player? • What's my cricket high score? • What is the color of my hair? • Who do I barrack for in the AFL? • Did I win a basketball grand final with max • ...
Lady with the Purple Eye 2021-09-07
- Chris's dog is called
- The coat is needed for world __________
- Name the book Marley takes out of the library
- Colour of hair needed for coat ______
- The hair must be given __________ to work.
- The librarian previously worked in __________
- The coat is _______ to stop the librarian
- The librarian _________ people to control them.
- Hair is used to make a _________
- The librarian's name is Mrs ________
- Chris and Marley spy on the librarian at her ______
- The librarian has a ____________ as a side-kick
- How many kids had their hair cut off?
- Chris and Marley are ___________ to the school.
- Chris's best friend is ______________
- Marley's choice in book is ____________
16 Clues: Chris's dog is called • Hair is used to make a _________ • The librarian's name is Mrs ________ • How many kids had their hair cut off? • Colour of hair needed for coat ______ • Chris's best friend is ______________ • The coat is needed for world __________ • Marley's choice in book is ____________ • The coat is _______ to stop the librarian • ...
Stevenson Library Crossword Puzzle 2017-02-24
- Librarians can help you find these printed materials
- A live chat between you and a librarian
- Last name of the subject librarian for Accounting, Business Administration, Legal, and more
- Librarians can teach you to use these to search for articles
- We can help you with your _______ papers and projects
- The name of the OMN Library
- The SU campus with the largest library
- Librarians can answer questions via this convenient handheld method too!
- Last name of the subject librarian for English
- Last name of the subject librarian for CJ, Education, History, Psychology and more
- A service where you can leave questions for the library to answer
- The building where the OM Library is located
- A person you can ask for research help
- Last name of the subject librarian for Foreign Languages
- Last name of the person who runs the Archives
- Librarians help you find resources, but are generally not allowed to give personal, legal, or medical ______
- Last name of the subject librarian for the Nursing
- Last name of the subject librarian for Art, Fashion, Film, Music and Theater
- Last name of the subject librarian for Business Communication and GPS
- If you need help finding scholarly ones, come ask for help
- You can always reach the librarians via your SU _________ account
21 Clues: The name of the OMN Library • A person you can ask for research help • The SU campus with the largest library • A live chat between you and a librarian • The building where the OM Library is located • Last name of the person who runs the Archives • Last name of the subject librarian for English • Last name of the subject librarian for the Nursing • ...
Room 26 2014-10-16
- a future All Black Halfback
- a male who is blonde and tall
- wants to be an architect
- needs a haircut
- says meep a lot, leader of Meepy Minecraft Productions
- AKA Pickle
- Miss Laughalot
- Human Atlas
- awesome, swimmer, sporty
- love playing the piano
- dancer, librarian, gymnast and netballer
- One of the Class Comedians with a love of food
- good at soccer, running and athletics
- wants to be the tough chef
- swimmer, sporty, kind to others.
- wants to be a scientist and is hilarious
- small, over-excitable, names starts with an E
- a boy is who kind to all
- Ninja of Japanese paper folding
- friday librarian, (hint: my name starts with an F
- a Kaitiaki
- House Leader
- Mr Social Media
- smart, quick thinking,achieving boy
- I like Maths
- sporty, kind caring, Netball A team, loves maths, House Leader
- gymnast and netballer
27 Clues: a Kaitiaki • AKA Pickle • Human Atlas • House Leader • I like Maths • Miss Laughalot • needs a haircut • Mr Social Media • gymnast and netballer • love playing the piano • a boy is who kind to all • wants to be an architect • awesome, swimmer, sporty • wants to be the tough chef • a future All Black Halfback • a male who is blonde and tall • Ninja of Japanese paper folding • ...
Amazing World of Camels 2013-03-27
- A _______ can carry more than 900 pounds.
- A camel uses its ______ to walk.
- A camel can ________ 30 gallons of water.
- All camels have a _______ or two on their back.
- A camel uses its ________ to eat.
- Camels have a third _______ that moves sideways.
- A camel uses its ______ to smell.
- Camels are very ________.
- A camels _____ are large and protected from wind.
- Camels are _________.
- Camels prefer to ______ on hot days.
- A camel can ____ 40-50 years.
- A camel's ____ long legs keep its body above the heat of the sand.
- A camel can _______ at 3 mph.
- The camels uses its _________ for traction in the sand.
- A camel has good _________.
- A camel's body temperature is ______ than the dessert air.
- Camels _____ in the spring.
- Camels have a pad of _____ on the bottom of its feet.
- A camel's ____ are lined with hair for protection from blowing sand
20 Clues: Camels are _________. • Camels are very ________. • A camel has good _________. • Camels _____ in the spring. • A camel can ____ 40-50 years. • A camel can _______ at 3 mph. • A camel uses its ______ to walk. • A camel uses its ________ to eat. • A camel uses its ______ to smell. • Camels prefer to ______ on hot days. • A _______ can carry more than 900 pounds. • ...
TTS B.INGGRIS 2020-10-14
10 Clues: for school... • doctor work in... • clean the school... • catch the bad guy... • to make u healthy... • manage the school... • work in the library... • give student a lesson... • my father sister is my... • my mother brother is my...
Class 4's last crossword puzzle 2020-05-27
- The season when it's very hot
- English is the _______(good/better/best) subject
- Have you ever _______ (be) to space?
- First, second, _____, fourth, fifth...
- I have never ______(see) the pyramids
- Where you get on a plane
- An animal that lives in the desert
- I eat lots of fruit ______ it's good for me
- Yesterday, I ______(see) a bird in the sky
- My dad's brother's son is my ______
- Me, my mum, my dad, my brothers and sisters
- When I was going to the library, I ______ (drop) my key
- Sick people have to go to ______
- Carrots, potatoes, onions, broccoli are all _______
- My birthday's (in / on) August
- My birthday's (in /on) 4th August
- My mum's sister is my ______
17 Clues: Where you get on a plane • My mum's sister is my ______ • The season when it's very hot • My birthday's (in / on) August • Sick people have to go to ______ • My birthday's (in /on) 4th August • An animal that lives in the desert • My dad's brother's son is my ______ • Have you ever _______ (be) to space? • I have never ______(see) the pyramids • ...
merezquiz 2024-05-06
- who is my favorite cousin?
- what is my current dream job?
- favorite number
- favorite native nz bird
- how many children do my cousins have in total?
- what number is my mums house
- who is my favorite aunty?
- first food that comes to my mind
- what is my favorite time of day/night
- cats or dogs?
- favorite colour
- what number is my dads house
- how many pets do I have in total?
13 Clues: cats or dogs? • favorite colour • favorite number • favorite native nz bird • who is my favorite aunty? • who is my favorite cousin? • what number is my mums house • what number is my dads house • what is my current dream job? • first food that comes to my mind • how many pets do I have in total? • what is my favorite time of day/night • how many children do my cousins have in total?
Amazing World of Camels 2013-03-27
- Camels have a pad of _____ on the bottom of its feet.
- A camel can ________ 30 gallons of water.
- All camels have a _______ or two on their back.
- Camels breed in the spring.
- A camel can _______ at 3 mph.
- A camel has good _________.
- A camel uses its ________ to eat.
- The camels uses its _________ for traction in the sand.
- A camel can ____ 40-50 years.
- A camel's ____ long legs keep its body above the heat of the sand.
- A camel uses its ______ to walk.
- Camels prefer to ______ on hot days.
- A camel's ____ are lined with hair for protection from blowing sand
- A camel uses its ______ to smell.
- Camels are _________.
- Camels have a third _______ that moves sideways.
- Camels are very ________.
- A camel's body temperature is ______ than the dessert air.
- A _______ can carry more than 900 pounds.
- A camels _____ are large and protected from wind.
20 Clues: Camels are _________. • Camels are very ________. • Camels breed in the spring. • A camel has good _________. • A camel can _______ at 3 mph. • A camel can ____ 40-50 years. • A camel uses its ______ to walk. • A camel uses its ______ to smell. • A camel uses its ________ to eat. • Camels prefer to ______ on hot days. • A camel can ________ 30 gallons of water. • ...
Sillicus Billicus Jackson Thing 2023-03-28
- the food that i really like and i can cook lots of war
- my favorite band
- where do I live
- goofy ahh quirkster
- my favorite color
- the groofiest state
- my favorite tabletop game
- my alter ego (Hint; it's in the title)
- my favorite song
- what i need picks of
- my favorite typing game
- my proud heritage
- my favorite video game guy
- my ride to school every morning
- what I feel every day
- what we did to the librarian in DND
- my favorite tv show guy
- my cat's name
- my favorite MGR song
- what is my favorite game
- what is my favorite word
- what I do in my free time
- my character in drama class
- my favorite country
- i'm breathing in the
- the person i really like 🥴
26 Clues: my cat's name • where do I live • my favorite band • my favorite song • my favorite color • my proud heritage • goofy ahh quirkster • the groofiest state • my favorite country • my favorite MGR song • i'm breathing in the • what i need picks of • what I feel every day • my favorite tv show guy • my favorite typing game • what is my favorite game • what is my favorite word • ...
CYPHER 2021-03-17
- He's no spring chicken but it's not his first rodeo either.
- I must be cruel only to be kind.
- Play the time and time the play.
- Never odd or even
- It's so hot I can cook a pancake on my head.
- Gulliver's travels.
- How much caramel can a canny cannonball cram in a camel if a canny cannonball can cram caramel in a camel?
- tipchshoicedsyre
- Film-making is my bread and butter.
- As good as my counterpart, but like, direct.
- 5-7-5
11 Clues: 5-7-5 • tipchshoicedsyre • Never odd or even • Gulliver's travels. • I must be cruel only to be kind. • Play the time and time the play. • Film-making is my bread and butter. • As good as my counterpart, but like, direct. • It's so hot I can cook a pancake on my head. • He's no spring chicken but it's not his first rodeo either. • ...
Animals 2023-02-14
- I am nocturnal
- I look like a dog, but I am wild
- I am black and white and like cold weather
- I'm a primate and can swing from trees
- I slither
- Likes to chase mice
- I am in a book where I wear red pajamas
- I carry my house on my back
- I hibernate all winter
- My name rhymes with house
- My home is called a den
- I am the king of the jungle
- Man's best friend
- Flying mammal
- I live in trees and eat nuts
- Rudolph is one
- Has a trunk
- I have very long legs and neck
- Large marsupial
- I am a large cat with stripes
- I live in the desert
21 Clues: I slither • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • I am nocturnal • Rudolph is one • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • I live in the desert • I hibernate all winter • My home is called a den • My name rhymes with house • I carry my house on my back • I am the king of the jungle • I live in trees and eat nuts • I am a large cat with stripes • I have very long legs and neck • ...
CYPHER 2021-03-17
- He's no spring chicken but it's not his first rodeo either.
- I must be cruel only to be kind.
- Play the time and time the play.
- Never odd or even
- It's so hot I can cook a pancake on my head.
- Gulliver's travels.
- How much caramel can a canny cannonball cram in a camel if a canny cannonball can cram caramel in a camel?
- tipchshoicedsyre
- Film-making is my bread and butter.
- As good as my counterpart, but like, direct.
- 5-7-5
11 Clues: 5-7-5 • tipchshoicedsyre • Never odd or even • Gulliver's travels. • I must be cruel only to be kind. • Play the time and time the play. • Film-making is my bread and butter. • As good as my counterpart, but like, direct. • It's so hot I can cook a pancake on my head. • He's no spring chicken but it's not his first rodeo either. • ...
4th grade trivia By. Amelia 2015-06-10
- what group do I (Amelia) sit in?
- what time is lunch?
- what are the brain teaser puzzles on the board?
- Who is our music teacher?
- what did Ethan Helms do for the talent show?
- Who is our art teacher?
- Who is the principal?
- What song did Madyson sing for the Talent show?
- Who is our counselor?
- Who is our science teacher?
- what kind of puzzle are you doing now?
- What time does school start?
- What Katy Perry song did Adeline play on the piano for the Talent show?
- What instrument did Amelia and Marlise play for the talent show?
- Who is our math teacher?
- Who is our assistant librarian?
- What is my name?
- Who is our librarian?
- Who is our teacher?
19 Clues: What is my name? • what time is lunch? • Who is our teacher? • Who is our counselor? • Who is our librarian? • Who is the principal? • Who is our art teacher? • Who is our math teacher? • Who is our music teacher? • Who is our science teacher? • What time does school start? • Who is our assistant librarian? • what group do I (Amelia) sit in? • what kind of puzzle are you doing now? • ...
Joy Discovery Crossword 2024-01-31
- I take you places (page 10)
- The sun is the shape of a _ _ _ _ _ e
- Solve the _ _ d d _ _ s.
- I catch bad guys
- Ouch! I bumped my head! It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- Take care of your pet. Take it to the _ _ _
- Tim is a _e_c_e_
- Walk around the o_s_a_l_s
- A water bottle is the shape of a _________r
- take your _______ away (page 47)
- S_r_n_e_s (page 18)
- You can yell this!
- For Lantern Festival we eat ___________!
- A green vegetable on my hamburger
- I help you find books
- Nosebleed! _i_c_ your nose. (page 29)
- What time is it? Look at the ______
- Mia, you _ _ _ _ _! Now you're it!
18 Clues: I catch bad guys • Tim is a _e_c_e_ • You can yell this! • S_r_n_e_s (page 18) • I help you find books • Solve the _ _ d d _ _ s. • Walk around the o_s_a_l_s • I take you places (page 10) • take your _______ away (page 47) • A green vegetable on my hamburger • Mia, you _ _ _ _ _! Now you're it! • What time is it? Look at the ______ • The sun is the shape of a _ _ _ _ _ e • ...
Ella 2025-03-02
- What did we share for dinner at my birthday party?
- What do i study
- What present did i get for my mum,granny and doctor?
- what is my favourite french name?
- What you use to eat food
- What was the name of the big crocodile at the reptile park?
- What is my TV standing on in my bedroom?
- What is the colour of Reid's car
- What is steven's dogs name?
- Paul and _____ are the names of your boobs.
- Reids girlfriends name
- The brand of my favourite car; _____ S2000
- my middle name
- What part of your face did i love the most when i first spoke to you?
- Rai's full name (Rai is a nickname)
- The name of my french teacher
- What is the brand of clopes you smoked in Japan?
- Your favourite colour
18 Clues: my middle name • What do i study • Your favourite colour • Reids girlfriends name • What you use to eat food • What is steven's dogs name? • The name of my french teacher • What is the colour of Reid's car • what is my favourite french name? • Rai's full name (Rai is a nickname) • What is my TV standing on in my bedroom? • The brand of my favourite car; _____ S2000 • ...
Sarah crossword 1 2024-09-30
- container for holding soda
- this instrument rings loud and clear
- the lake is full of water.
- Grandma feeds him when we are away.
- this animal helps people cross the desert
- my dad loves to munch on
- Mom plays catch with my ...
- Advise on how to better do something
- loves to catch mice.
- girls love to play with this
- Is the cake finished ...
- not this ... that
- nose for a duck
- girl's name found in
- the boy's bike is ...not hers
- my dad is one
- metal container which holds foods
- when you flip a coin you look to see which side is on
18 Clues: my dad is one • nose for a duck • not this ... that • loves to catch mice. • girl's name found in • Is the cake finished ... • my dad loves to munch on • container for holding soda • the lake is full of water. • Mom plays catch with my ... • girls love to play with this • the boy's bike is ...not hers • metal container which holds foods • Grandma feeds him when we are away. • ...
LibStuCru Get to Know You Puzz 2021-09-01
- which staff member has a dog named after an herb
- who is our newest librarian
- Which student is/was a flying cheerer
- who you gonna call if you're gonna be late to a shift
- Who is in charge of ILL
- Which student went to the same high school as Chandra
- Which student was a Senior High Bronc
- which librarian is in charge of special collections
- which staff member used to be a student worker
- which librarian is temporarily overseeing access services
- Which student ran cross country in high school with a dad coach
- who is a librarian AND the library director
- which student is an officer on the student activities board
- which librarian is originally from Idaho
- Before we were MSUB what was this place called
15 Clues: Who is in charge of ILL • who is our newest librarian • Which student is/was a flying cheerer • Which student was a Senior High Bronc • which librarian is originally from Idaho • who is a librarian AND the library director • which staff member used to be a student worker • Before we were MSUB what was this place called • which staff member has a dog named after an herb • ...
My Dream 2022-05-05
- Mr. Budi works in the post office. He delivers the letter. He is a ......
- A teacher works at ......
- What is his job? painter
- He manages all the artists in making film. He is a ......
- My aunt writes stories and novels. She is a ......
- My cat is sick. We have to bring it to the ......
- Anisa likes singing. She wants to be a ......
- Kevin Sanjaya is a badminton ......
- My uncle is a ...... He is making a picture of a house
- He works in the airport. He drives the plane. He is a ......
- My father is a doctor. He works in the ......
- Mr. Anton works in the library. He is a ......
- My uncle is a ...... He works in the rice field.
- Anita likes dancing. She wants to be a ......
- What is his job? researcher
15 Clues: What is his job? painter • A teacher works at ...... • What is his job? researcher • Kevin Sanjaya is a badminton ...... • My father is a doctor. He works in the ...... • Anita likes dancing. She wants to be a ...... • Anisa likes singing. She wants to be a ...... • Mr. Anton works in the library. He is a ...... • My uncle is a ...... He works in the rice field. • ...
Shrenith 2022-09-30
- can fix the lights if they go out
- Halp people when they are sick
- Frightened
- catches the bad guys
- sweets
- Ninth month of of the year
- helps people find the books they are looking for
- A person who teaches in school
- Eyes is to see as leg js to
- collection of books
- helps people learn things
- puts out fires
- 58+42
- help animals when they are sick
- how many bails are required in cricket
- opposite of rough
- can help you your pipes
- The tenth month of the year
- can help your car if it isn't working
- Holiday of the week
- spends a lot of time in a court room
- national animal of India
- A place where we live
- Ship of the desert
- Traffic color light which means stop
25 Clues: 58+42 • sweets • Frightened • puts out fires • opposite of rough • Ship of the desert • collection of books • catches the bad guys • Holiday of the week • A place where we live • can help you your pipes • national animal of India • helps people learn things • The tenth month of the year • Ninth month of of the year • Eyes is to see as leg js to • help animals when they are sick • ...
Derrick💯 2023-06-19
- Spider-man can stick to the ________.
- Being a ________ is a bad thing to do.
- _______ means that you have faith in someone.
- A short amount of time.
- My dad had _________ his medicines.
- My car uses ____________ to drive around.
- To become aware of through senses.
- I ran on the field with my friends.
- A _______ is a film that you watch on TV.
- The _______ of a tribe.
- I had to _______ on my English.
- The camel walked through the _________ with supplies for the army men.
- He had a ______ that he nearly drowned.
- I saw someone overcome by _________ because of someones death.
- My friend made a __________ in the spell master grand final.
- To make someone believe something that is not true.
- When I went to the shop they gave my a ________.
17 Clues: The _______ of a tribe. • A short amount of time. • I had to _______ on my English. • To become aware of through senses. • My dad had _________ his medicines. • I ran on the field with my friends. • Spider-man can stick to the ________. • Being a ________ is a bad thing to do. • He had a ______ that he nearly drowned. • A _______ is a film that you watch on TV. • ...
Above All 2023-08-03
- Polio vaccine developer,Jonas
- exams
- opposite of wide
- not own the home, but ____
- what goes in the washer
- The ____shall be first
- what a thief might do
- exploding star
- up for Jesus
- apple, orange, banana, etc.
- speaks
- what a librarian says
- hearing muscle
- Your sins are as far away as east is to
- pleasant scent
- _____ my soul, my Savior God to Thee
- opposite of no
- friend in war
- Do not be a ________ Thomas
- Jesus was _______ by satan in the wilderness
- water sport over waves
21 Clues: exams • speaks • up for Jesus • friend in war • hearing muscle • pleasant scent • opposite of no • exploding star • opposite of wide • what a librarian says • what a thief might do • The ____shall be first • water sport over waves • what goes in the washer • apple, orange, banana, etc. • not own the home, but ____ • Do not be a ________ Thomas • Polio vaccine developer,Jonas • ...
My Life Crossword Puzzle 2020-07-05
- Harmony's little brother
- Harmony's favorite pet
- The country Harmony and Melody were assigned
- Melody and Harmony's teacher: Mr. _________.
- Which club is Harmony in?
- Melody's middle name
- Harmony and Melody's favorite store
- The theme color for movie monster
- Melody's favorite place to visit
- Harmony's favorite color
- the school librarian: Mrs. ____.
- Harmony and Melody are both in the ___ program.
- Melody and Harmony text each other here
- Melody has a lot of them on her computer
- Stacey's BFF
- Harmony and Melody's blog entries are here: My
- Melody's kitten
- My Life: _____ Secrets
- Melody's mom is a _____ designer.
- Harmony's middle name
20 Clues: Stacey's BFF • Melody's kitten • Melody's middle name • Harmony's middle name • Harmony's favorite pet • My Life: _____ Secrets • Harmony's little brother • Harmony's favorite color • Which club is Harmony in? • Melody's favorite place to visit • the school librarian: Mrs. ____. • Melody's mom is a _____ designer. • The theme color for movie monster • Harmony and Melody's favorite store • ...
Alexrey crossword 2022-12-23
- Ginger’s breed
- my favorite animal
- one thing you are
- my mom’s maiden name
- one thing you love about me
- my name
- an artist you love
- something you wear a lot
- a cartoon character you look like
- your name
- name of a main character in a show youre watching
- instrument you play
- one of our favorite dogs
- your grandmas dog
- finish the sentence: “my name is…”
- month we started dating
- a band you like
- my birth stone
- one thing i love about you
- a first name that appears in both of our families
- an artist i love
- something i want real bad
- name of my facial piercing
- your favorite animal
- what i feel with you
- one thing i am
- my favorite form of smoking
27 Clues: my name • your name • Ginger’s breed • my birth stone • one thing i am • a band you like • an artist i love • one thing you are • your grandmas dog • my favorite animal • an artist you love • instrument you play • my mom’s maiden name • your favorite animal • what i feel with you • month we started dating • something you wear a lot • one of our favorite dogs • something i want real bad • ...
Alexrey crossword 2022-12-23
- one thing i am
- finish the sentence: “my name is…”
- instrument you play
- one of our favorite dogs
- my name
- one thing you are
- Ginger’s breed
- one thing you love about me
- something you wear a lot
- your name
- my favorite animal
- your grandmas dog
- your favorite animal
- a cartoon character you look like
- my birth stone
- a first name that appears in both of our families
- what i feel with you
- name of a main character in a show youre watching
- my mom’s maiden name
- something i want real bad
- name of my facial piercing
- a band you like
- an artist i love
- month we started dating
- one thing i love about you
- an artist you love
- my favorite form of smoking
27 Clues: my name • your name • one thing i am • Ginger’s breed • my birth stone • a band you like • an artist i love • one thing you are • your grandmas dog • my favorite animal • an artist you love • instrument you play • what i feel with you • my mom’s maiden name • your favorite animal • month we started dating • one of our favorite dogs • something you wear a lot • something i want real bad • ...
Alexrey crossword 2022-12-23
- one thing i am
- finish the sentence: “my name is…”
- instrument you play
- one of our favorite dogs
- my name
- one thing you are
- Ginger’s breed
- one thing you love about me
- something you wear a lot
- your name
- my favorite animal
- your grandmas dog
- your favorite animal
- a cartoon character you look like
- my birth stone
- a first name that appears in both of our families
- what i feel with you
- name of a main character in a show youre watching
- my mom’s maiden name
- something i want real bad
- name of my facial piercing
- a band you like
- an artist i love
- month we started dating
- one thing i love about you
- an artist you love
- my favorite form of smoking
27 Clues: my name • your name • one thing i am • Ginger’s breed • my birth stone • a band you like • an artist i love • one thing you are • your grandmas dog • my favorite animal • an artist you love • instrument you play • what i feel with you • my mom’s maiden name • your favorite animal • month we started dating • one of our favorite dogs • something you wear a lot • something i want real bad • ...
hard one 2021-03-03
14 Clues: O2 • my name • a baby dog • what I hate • a baby chicken • a deserts ship • my sisters cat • breed of Sasha • my middle name • my birthday month • my favourite colour • name of one of my cats • something you don’t like • something we don’t mute on ft for
- The horses ... strong legs
- A librarian help people find ... at the library
- Maria likes to wear a blouse and a ...
- The elephant has a long ...
- A horse helps the farmer pull the ...
- It is half ... ten now
- A person who cuts people's hair
- My father always wears ... to sleep
- The ... is tall and has a long neck
- We have holidays ... July
- A lion has long ... around its neck
- A fireman puts out ...
- A person who bakes cakes and bread
- I go to church ... Sunday
- The tigers are very tired. They are ...
- A day before Sunday
- March comes before ...
- My father goes to the office ... eight o'clock
- A day after Wednesday
- I saw a peacock spreading its beautiful ...
- The seal is ... in the sea
- There are twelve months in a ...
- My family and I have dinner at seven o'clock in the ...
23 Clues: A day before Sunday • A day after Wednesday • A fireman puts out ... • March comes before ... • It is half ... ten now • I go to church ... Sunday • We have holidays ... July • The horses ... strong legs • The seal is ... in the sea • The elephant has a long ... • A person who cuts people's hair • There are twelve months in a ... • A person who bakes cakes and bread • ...
Fresno State Library Crossword 2023-09-14
- Coffee shop on the second floor
- Another word for peer-reviewed articles
- Who is the First-Year Experience Librarian?
- Who is the librarian for College of Science and Math
- Special Collections and (blank) Center
- Fresno State sits on (blank) and Mono lands
- Students can read and relax in the (blank) Levine Room (2nd floor)
- Opposite of sun; a type of globe we have in our maps area (1st floor)
- Head of Special Collections
- Over 1 million of these are in our collection
- A librarian is at the (blank) desk 9am-3pm Monday-Friday
- Title for someone who works in the library
- Arne (blank) Center
- Lois Connor, the Mono basket weaver projected on the wall, is also called Lady in (blank)
- Who is the librarian for the College of Health and Human Services?
- Students can check out cameras at (blank) Lending
- Students can book recording rooms with Music and (blank)
- Abbrev. how to get materials from other libraries
18 Clues: Arne (blank) Center • Head of Special Collections • Coffee shop on the second floor • Special Collections and (blank) Center • Another word for peer-reviewed articles • Title for someone who works in the library • Who is the First-Year Experience Librarian? • Fresno State sits on (blank) and Mono lands • Over 1 million of these are in our collection • ...
Women's Chorus Tour 2013 2013-03-03
- Social Chair
- Make a _______ noise!
- I Lift My Hands-Psalm 46:10
- I got a _____, you got a _____.
- When you get on the bus, you better ______
- Sophomore Historian
- Proverbs 31:26 She is clothed with __________
- _____ on Mary
- Job, Job…now __________?
- Forever _______
- _____ sister
- Director
- WC President's last name!
- When I gaze into the night sky…
- _______ 100
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Librarian
- Accompanist's last name
- Junior Historian
- Treasurer
21 Clues: Director • Secretary • Librarian • Treasurer • _______ 100 • Social Chair • _____ sister • _____ on Mary • Vice President • Forever _______ • Junior Historian • Sophomore Historian • Make a _______ noise! • Accompanist's last name • Job, Job…now __________? • WC President's last name! • I Lift My Hands-Psalm 46:10 • When I gaze into the night sky… • I got a _____, you got a _____. • ...
Unit 2.1 2016-10-12
- I’m going to ……. a camel across the desert
- I scraped my knee and now I have a…
- The weather will be ...... and sunny
- The amazing view is … the walk
- Bagpipes and kilts are ….. of Scotland
- Press that green ..... to start
- It's not my ..... the bus was late!
- The top … Of this car is 200 kph
- My hockey ……. Is in my sports bag
- This medicine will …. Bacteria
- My cat had a big .... with another cat
- Close the .... it's getting dark outside
- We walked along the ……. through the forest
- ….. are better for long walks than flip-flops
- You must … your balance on the snowboard
15 Clues: This medicine will …. Bacteria • The amazing view is … the walk • Press that green ..... to start • The top … Of this car is 200 kph • My hockey ……. Is in my sports bag • I scraped my knee and now I have a… • It's not my ..... the bus was late! • The weather will be ...... and sunny • My cat had a big .... with another cat • Bagpipes and kilts are ….. of Scotland • ...
Women's Chorus Tour 2013 2013-03-03
- I got a _____, you got a _____.
- _______ 100
- Secretary
- Librarian
- Job, Job…now __________?
- _____ sister
- When I gaze into the night sky…
- Director
- Treasurer
- _____ on Mary
- Accompanist's last name
- Vice President
- Forever _______
- Proverbs 31:26 She is clothed with __________
- When you get on the bus, you better ______
- Junior Historian
- WC President's last name!
- I Lift My Hands-Psalm 46:10
- Make a _______ noise!
- Social Chair
- Sophomore Historian
21 Clues: Director • Secretary • Librarian • Treasurer • _______ 100 • _____ sister • Social Chair • _____ on Mary • Vice President • Forever _______ • Junior Historian • Sophomore Historian • Make a _______ noise! • Accompanist's last name • Job, Job…now __________? • WC President's last name! • I Lift My Hands-Psalm 46:10 • I got a _____, you got a _____. • When I gaze into the night sky… • ...
Women's Chorus Tour 2013 2013-03-03
- I got a _____, you got a _____.
- Make a _______ noise!
- Librarian
- When you get on the bus, you better ______
- Proverbs 31:26 She is clothed with __________
- Vice President
- Accompanist's last name
- _____ sister
- Junior Historian
- Director
- _____ on Mary
- When I gaze into the night sky…
- Sophomore Historian
- I Lift My Hands-Psalm 46:10
- Job, Job…now __________?
- _______ 100
- WC President's last name
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Social Chair
- Forever _______
21 Clues: Director • Librarian • Treasurer • Secretary • _______ 100 • Social Chair • _____ sister • _____ on Mary • Vice President • Forever _______ • Junior Historian • Sophomore Historian • Make a _______ noise! • Accompanist's last name • Job, Job…now __________? • WC President's last name • I Lift My Hands-Psalm 46:10 • When I gaze into the night sky… • I got a _____, you got a _____. • ...
Werribee Zoo 2019-08-14
- My neck is very long
- Predator and ______ relationship
- I can live for 100 years
- The fastest land mammal on earth
- African Wild ....
- I am a type of antelope with white stripes
- A male gorilla
- My humps store fat
- A 'river horse'
- I wear a black and white striped suit
- I'm a horse with a difficult name to pronounce
- I spend a lot of time with my family
- Largest land mammal in North America
- What day do we go to Werribee Zoo?
- Simba is a....
15 Clues: A male gorilla • Simba is a.... • A 'river horse' • African Wild .... • My humps store fat • My neck is very long • I can live for 100 years • Predator and ______ relationship • The fastest land mammal on earth • What day do we go to Werribee Zoo? • I spend a lot of time with my family • Largest land mammal in North America • I wear a black and white striped suit • ...
How Well Do You Know Your Girlfriend? 2024-01-26
- my Gigi's name
- my favorite prose author
- my spanish 0210 professor's name
- my favorite artist
- the name of my Christmas gnome
- the law school I want to go to
- the side of campus I live on
- my second favorite fruit
- my zodiac sign
- my second choice university
- my favorite poem
- in 9th grade I wrote a eulogy for a Romeo and Juliet character-- which character?
- what elected position did I hold in band in middle school?
- the first Ivy League university I wanted to go to
- where I eat lunch on mondays (2 words)
- my favorite coffee order (2 words)
- my favorite building on campus (2 words)
- my birthstone
- the first Halloween costume I picked for myself
- my least favorite color as a child
20 Clues: my birthstone • my Gigi's name • my zodiac sign • my favorite poem • my favorite artist • my favorite prose author • my second favorite fruit • my second choice university • the side of campus I live on • the name of my Christmas gnome • the law school I want to go to • my spanish 0210 professor's name • my favorite coffee order (2 words) • my least favorite color as a child • ...
Review 2023-12-08
- this animal lives in the ocean and it's huge
- father of my father
- this fruit is small, round, purple, sweet
- this veggie is long, yellow, and sweet
- my mom's brother is my ...
- it's cold, sweet, fresh, delicious
- this fruit is big, yellow, spiky, smelly, sweet
- we have to drink ... every day
- I always put my books here when I go to school
- my teacher uses it to write on the board
- this veggie is green, big, delicious
- it lives in the desert
- this animal has a long neck
- we eat it every day
- we can buy it in Mc Donald
15 Clues: father of my father • we eat it every day • it lives in the desert • we can buy it in Mc Donald • my mom's brother is my ... • this animal has a long neck • we have to drink ... every day • it's cold, sweet, fresh, delicious • this veggie is green, big, delicious • this veggie is long, yellow, and sweet • my teacher uses it to write on the board • ...
Library 2022-02-01
- How I enter the library
- This is where a damaged book goes (2 words)
- These books are true stories or information books
- Person who wrote the book
- Protects book from damage
- If I hit someone with a book that book becomes a_______
- Librarian will ask me this when checking out a book
- this is where books are found in the library
- This person runs the library and helps me to find books
- When I take a book home from the library
- When answering a question I raise my _____
- Name of a book
- These stories are not true
- when I take a book back to the library
- When I check the same book out again
15 Clues: Name of a book • How I enter the library • Person who wrote the book • Protects book from damage • These stories are not true • When I check the same book out again • when I take a book back to the library • When I take a book home from the library • When answering a question I raise my _____ • This is where a damaged book goes (2 words) • ...
Personalised for us: 2023-11-13
- How I feel about you
- Best book in the world (you gave it to me)
- Name of my dog
- Born on 21 April 1959 (first name)
- What are they gonna do? Hit me? ___
- Card game we play regularly
- A sport you’re amazing at
- In my glasses you look like a ?
- Your birthday month
- My birthday month
- Who hates me the most?
- Number rhyming with your name
- ____ is ok
13 Clues: ____ is ok • Name of my dog • My birthday month • Your birthday month • How I feel about you • Who hates me the most? • A sport you’re amazing at • Card game we play regularly • Number rhyming with your name • In my glasses you look like a ? • Born on 21 April 1959 (first name) • What are they gonna do? Hit me? ___ • Best book in the world (you gave it to me)
EXERCISE 4 2019-01-04
10 Clues: you like ... (kuda) • you like ... (unta) • you like ... (ayam) • my favorite ... is cat • my favorite ... is red • my favorite ... is seven • my favorite ... is banana • my favorite ... is potato • you don't like ... (monyet) • you don't like ... (anjing)
A Walk in the Desert 2021-03-24
- Eating is my favourite ________.
- My father always __________ the turkey on Thanksgiving.
- Please help me ___________ for my keys.
- A monkey is trying to ______ from the zoo.
- Kids are scared of the ___________ of the night.
- Lizards have __________ skin.
- You must stay _______ when crossing the street.
- This is a very _______ movie.
- Human is Earth's greatest _________.
- We just take good care of the ________.
- If you break the ______ of a plant, it will die.
- Dragon fruit is a type of ________ .
- The _________ in Taiwan is very warm and humid.
- School life can be very _________.
- Let's set up our tent in the ________.
- We _________ our snacks in the kitchen.
- Sunblocks ________ you from the UV rays that burns your skin.
- Be careful not to get pricked by the _______ of a cactus.
- People ride a camel to go across the __________.
- Those two boys look _______.
20 Clues: Those two boys look _______. • Lizards have __________ skin. • This is a very _______ movie. • Eating is my favourite ________. • School life can be very _________. • Dragon fruit is a type of ________ . • Human is Earth's greatest _________. • Let's set up our tent in the ________. • Please help me ___________ for my keys. • We _________ our snacks in the kitchen. • ...
KUIS ERVAN 2023-06-01
- We see how beautiful this world.
- Man's best friend
- I wash my body with....
- I work at the Library. I am a ....
- Rice Field in Indonesia is ....
- She is my classmate, is Evelyn.
- She is an assistent of the Doctor. She is a ...
- Mr. Jeno has many hens. His hens give him some...
- My father is in the rice field. He is a .....
- I work at street. Sometimes, I help to catch the thieves. I am a....
- He is driving the airplane. He is a ......
- We have ten .... of our hand.
- We can smell by our....
- I love Kevin's eyes. .... eyes is brown and beautiful.
14 Clues: Man's best friend • I wash my body with.... • We can smell by our.... • We have ten .... of our hand. • Rice Field in Indonesia is .... • I work at the Library. I am a .... • She is my classmate, is Evelyn. • He is driving the airplane. He is a ...... • We see how beautiful this world. • My father is in the rice field. He is a ..... • ...
Unit 1, Week 1 2023-09-04
- a ______ picks up nails.
- The leaves clogged the ______.
- The wool ______ made me itch.
- How do you ______ to solve the puzzle?
- I wonder what will ______ next week?
- The girls won the ______.
- Terry loves to play ______.
- I ______ people who are kind.
- No one was hurt in the ______.
- It is our ______ to stand during the parade.
- We had a pep ______ before the game.
- I cut my ______.
- I always seem to lose one ______.
- Do you have a good ______ for doing homework?
- I used my hand to ______ the clay.
- The car made a ______ turn.
- There is a ______ at the park.
- The cars ______ wouldn't start.
- That playful puppy is a ______.
- A camel is a ______.
20 Clues: I cut my ______. • A camel is a ______. • a ______ picks up nails. • The girls won the ______. • The car made a ______ turn. • Terry loves to play ______. • The wool ______ made me itch. • I ______ people who are kind. • The leaves clogged the ______. • There is a ______ at the park. • No one was hurt in the ______. • The cars ______ wouldn't start. • That playful puppy is a ______. • ...
Unit 1, Week 1 2023-09-04
- Terry loves to play ______.
- A camel is a ______.
- The girls won the ______.
- The wool ______ made me itch.
- I cut my ______.
- No one was hurt in the ______.
- I ______ people who are kind.
- a ______ picks up nails.
- Do you have a good ______ for doing homework?
- I used my hand to ______ the clay.
- It is our ______ to stand during the parade.
- I always seem to lose one ______.
- That playful puppy is a ______.
- There is a ______ at the park.
- How do you ______ to solve the puzzle?
- The leaves clogged the ______.
- We had a pep ______ before the game.
- The car made a ______ turn.
- The cars ______ wouldn't start.
- I wonder what will ______ next week?
20 Clues: I cut my ______. • A camel is a ______. • a ______ picks up nails. • The girls won the ______. • Terry loves to play ______. • The car made a ______ turn. • The wool ______ made me itch. • I ______ people who are kind. • There is a ______ at the park. • The leaves clogged the ______. • No one was hurt in the ______. • That playful puppy is a ______. • The cars ______ wouldn't start. • ...
Unit 1, Week 1 2023-09-04
- a ______ picks up nails.
- The leaves clogged the ______.
- The wool ______ made me itch.
- How do you ______ to solve the puzzle?
- I wonder what will ______ next week?
- The girls won the ______.
- Terry loves to play ______.
- I ______ people who are kind.
- No one was hurt in the ______.
- It is our ______ to stand during the parade.
- We had a pep ______ before the game.
- I cut my ______.
- I always seem to lose one ______.
- Do you have a good ______ for doing homework?
- I used my hand to ______ the clay.
- The car made a ______ turn.
- There is a ______ at the park.
- The cars ______ wouldn't start.
- That playful puppy is a ______.
- A camel is a ______.
20 Clues: I cut my ______. • A camel is a ______. • a ______ picks up nails. • The girls won the ______. • The car made a ______ turn. • Terry loves to play ______. • The wool ______ made me itch. • I ______ people who are kind. • The leaves clogged the ______. • There is a ______ at the park. • No one was hurt in the ______. • The cars ______ wouldn't start. • That playful puppy is a ______. • ...
Unit 1, Week 1 2023-09-04
- a ______ picks up nails.
- The leaves clogged the ______.
- The wool ______ made me itch.
- How do you ______ to solve the puzzle?
- I wonder what will ______ next week?
- The girls won the ______.
- Terry loves to play ______.
- I ______ people who are kind.
- No one was hurt in the ______.
- It is our ______ to stand during the parade.
- We had a pep ______ before the game.
- I cut my ______.
- I always seem to lose one ______.
- Do you have a good ______ for doing homework?
- I used my hand to ______ the clay.
- The car made a ______ turn.
- There is a ______ at the park.
- The cars ______ wouldn't start.
- That playful puppy is a ______.
- A camel is a ______.
20 Clues: I cut my ______. • A camel is a ______. • a ______ picks up nails. • The girls won the ______. • The car made a ______ turn. • Terry loves to play ______. • The wool ______ made me itch. • I ______ people who are kind. • The leaves clogged the ______. • There is a ______ at the park. • No one was hurt in the ______. • The cars ______ wouldn't start. • That playful puppy is a ______. • ...
Library Hunt 2023-04-27
- A Person who works at the library.
- The _____ of Auschwitz by Morris
- Author Sparks
- Seeing ___ by Brown
- Little ____ everywhere by Ng
- Good Girl's guide to ______ by Jackson
- What bird is related to dinosaurs?
- Author Sarah ___Pelt
- Then she was ____ by Jewell
- Who writes books?
- Author Austen
- Author Hoover
- Author Moyes
- Author Osman
- What is Vernal known for?
- Author Poulsen
- Author Orwell
- Throne of _____ by Maas
- _____ off dead by Child
- Author Williams
- _____ of sugar plums by Evanovich
- Author lee
- A book is filled with______
- The _____ club by Baldacci
- Author Backman
- Out of _____ by Box
- Books that are based on stories.
- Author Bailey
- What killed the dinosaurs?
- Author Tolkein
- They both ___ at the end by Silvera
- Author Roberts
- This tender ____ by Krueger
- The ____ from Biloxi by Grisham
- Rock Paper _____ by Feeney
- The ____ Code by Quinn
- Author Gaiman
- What dinosaur has little arms?
38 Clues: Author lee • Author Moyes • Author Osman • Author Sparks • Author Bailey • Author Austen • Author Hoover • Author Gaiman • Author Orwell • Author Backman • Author Tolkein • Author Roberts • Author Poulsen • Author Williams • Who writes books? • Seeing ___ by Brown • Out of _____ by Box • Author Sarah ___Pelt • The ____ Code by Quinn • Throne of _____ by Maas • _____ off dead by Child • ...
- A .... will help the students in finding the books.
- The students wear their … to school.
- We wear jackets and bring umbrellas on … season.
- My uncle goes to Jakarta by ....
- The flowers will bloom in .... season.
- It was very... in winter.
- It was very... in the summer.
- Who do you go to when you are sick?
- I love to go on a ... to explore the Malioboro area in Jogja.
- Tasya is a nurse. She works daily in a ….
- My mother loves to go to the beach every ....
- Ship, Boat, and ... are names of water transportation.
- Hendra often borrows books from ....
- Sonya was brought to the hospital by an ....
- The plane stops at the ….
- Rudi goes to the office by....
- Someone who helps doctor in the hospital is ....
- My tooth is in pain. I need to go to meet my ... as soon as possible.
- If we want to save money, we can go to ....
- There are … seasons in Indonesia.
20 Clues: The plane stops at the …. • It was very... in winter. • It was very... in the summer. • Rudi goes to the office by.... • My uncle goes to Jakarta by .... • There are … seasons in Indonesia. • Who do you go to when you are sick? • Hendra often borrows books from .... • The students wear their … to school. • The flowers will bloom in .... season. • ...
Unit 1, Week 1 2023-09-04
- a ______ picks up nails.
- The leaves clogged the ______.
- The wool ______ made me itch.
- How do you ______ to solve the puzzle?
- I wonder what will ______ next week?
- The girls won the ______.
- Terry loves to play ______.
- I ______ people who are kind.
- No one was hurt in the ______.
- It is our ______ to stand during the parade.
- We had a pep ______ before the game.
- I cut my ______.
- I always seem to lose one ______.
- Do you have a good ______ for doing homework?
- I used my hand to ______ the clay.
- The car made a ______ turn.
- There is a ______ at the park.
- The cars ______ wouldn't start.
- That playful puppy is a ______.
- A camel is a ______.
20 Clues: I cut my ______. • A camel is a ______. • a ______ picks up nails. • The girls won the ______. • The car made a ______ turn. • Terry loves to play ______. • The wool ______ made me itch. • I ______ people who are kind. • The leaves clogged the ______. • There is a ______ at the park. • No one was hurt in the ______. • The cars ______ wouldn't start. • That playful puppy is a ______. • ...
Animal Crossword 2022-01-05
- I have a curly tail and I am pink
- I can change colors to camouflage
- I am a pink
- Mans best friend
- I enjoy howling at the moon
- Enjoys swinging through trees and eating bananas
- I have a horn on my head
- I have a long neck
- I have tusks and a large trunk
- I have humps on my back to hold water in the desert
- Used for transportation
- Having my foot is considered good luck
- You can find me on the Great Plains
- I am orange with black stripes
- I love to eat bamboo
- I live in the coldest part of the world
- You can get dairy products from this animal
- I wake my owners up in the morning
- I have a pouch to transport my young
- I have paws with claws and enjoy eating salmon
- The fastest animal in the world
- The king of the jungle
- I am white with black stripes
- My favorite hobby is sleeping
24 Clues: I am a pink • Mans best friend • I have a long neck • I love to eat bamboo • The king of the jungle • Used for transportation • I have a horn on my head • I enjoy howling at the moon • I am white with black stripes • My favorite hobby is sleeping • I am orange with black stripes • I have tusks and a large trunk • The fastest animal in the world • I have a curly tail and I am pink • ...
Purple 2021-03-03
11 Clues: my sport • my height • my brother • birth month • my dad's job • my fav color • my mom's job • my dog's name • my instrument • my zodiac sign • another color i like
week 1 spelling 2022-07-14
- i have very good ________
- a very hot food you put in curry
- the ______ today is rainy
- i love the smell of flower
- i am a doctor so i get _____
- we are not _____ to eat chocolate
- i want to _____ my own Librarian
- i had to _______ a Diamond
- a large country house with lands
- he seemed undecided ________ to go or stay
- something the same as cold
- you have a bad ______
- i love ______
- i have 22 pieces of _______
- i tried to go ______ on the plane
- we sometimes read _____
- i love a type of ______
- we use ______ for baking
- i will ______ my bike
- you try to sell small goods place to place
20 Clues: i love ______ • you have a bad ______ • i will ______ my bike • we sometimes read _____ • i love a type of ______ • we use ______ for baking • the ______ today is rainy • something the same as cold • i have very good ________ • i love the smell of flower • i had to _______ a Diamond • i have 22 pieces of _______ • i am a doctor so i get _____ • a very hot food you put in curry • ...
Please crossword responsibly 2014-11-17
- _____ make learning Chinese fun and easy
- Robin is to eating as Reyna is to ________
- The primary characteristic of something Reyna eats almost every day
- The time we left the zoo
- Our greatest talent
- The appropriate response to any sort of victory
- How Jes responds to everything
- My favorite class this semester at Fordham
- My girlfriend
- And then we ____ ohmygosh
- My aesthetic (2 words, hyphenated)
- It's a euphemism
- Pizza that calls the fridge its home
- This will never roll away
- The precise size of your eyes during an impossible time of day
- Up-and-coming rapper soon to be signed to Mad Decent (hyphenated)
- What happens when one fails to use crosswords in moderation
- Okay?
- Most Wanted
- Your twin brother
20 Clues: Okay? • Most Wanted • My girlfriend • It's a euphemism • Your twin brother • Our greatest talent • The time we left the zoo • This will never roll away • And then we ____ ohmygosh • How Jes responds to everything • My aesthetic (2 words, hyphenated) • Pizza that calls the fridge its home • _____ make learning Chinese fun and easy • Robin is to eating as Reyna is to ________ • ...
Adjectives 2020-08-06
13 Clues: Jessica is____. • Jeffrey is____. • The cat is ____. • The rope is____. • my sister is___. • the woman is____. • The whale is____. • the camel is____. • the giraffe is___. • my granddad is___. • The elephant is___. • Jamie's hair is___. • HangHang has_____hair.
Unit 5 Humaid Almesafri 2018-01-16
- I ____________my brother from big people.
- The toxic __________ is a scull.
- a message I _______________to me friend.
- I am ------ not tradional.
- I will --------my camel
- Iam a very ________man.
- It is very___________exam.
- I ------ my name in the computer.
- I will --------- my feeling.
- The__________becayse i brought a new phone.
10 Clues: Iam a very ________man. • I will --------my camel • It is very___________exam. • I am ------ not tradional. • I will --------- my feeling. • The toxic __________ is a scull. • I ------ my name in the computer. • a message I _______________to me friend. • I ____________my brother from big people. • The__________becayse i brought a new phone.
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